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Lesson Plans/ Weekly
National and State Standards
Strategy of the Month:
Reflective Journaling
please see next page for info on this

Gregory S. Dingwall

Overton County/Livingston Academy

Generalized Lesson Plan



  1. To play Instruments alone and with others a varied repertoire of music.

  2. To read music notation.

  3. To analyze their performance and evaluate.

  4. To develop better intonation skills.

  5. Questioning - appropriate to the content of what we are doing; getting them to take ownership of the process of all the above and more  - to become performance ready.

Intro/Warm-up 1:30 pm – 1:45 pm

  1. Check Role & Announcements

  2. Concert F Long Tones

  3. Scales

    1. Play different scales each day

    2. Add new scales or review learned scales that need to be worked on for mastery.

  4. Tune

    1. Tune Individual

    2. Group Sing

    3. Tune Group

Body  1:45 pm – 2:25 pm

  1. Review performance music: 

    1. Work through until complete

    2. Work/Teach Percussion Parts

    3. Go to Beginning and check intonation, phrasing and balance

    4. Play through piece

  2. Other Selections

    1. Work through piece paying attention to phrasing, dynamics, and intonation.

  3. Other Selections

    1. Clean-up Woodwind parts at beginning

    2. Clean-up inner voice parts at beginning

    3. Tune and Listen to melody parts

    4. Begin Middle Section with balance and intonation

    5. Play through piece

Closure  2:25 pm – 2:35 pm

  1. Look at and review Pep Band Music or other music to be played

    1. Work on articulation and phrasing.

    2. Clean-up Room and put up equipment


  1. Students will need instruments and music, I will need scores, and tuner.

  2. Students will be setup in either an open circle or conert seating so students can listen to each other.

Relevant Connection

      1.   Perfomance here is a life long learning process which can challenge us to do and

            become better at what we do.


Vocal Music 1 & 2 Lesson Guide


  1. To sing alone and with others a varied repertoire of music.

  2. To read music notation.

  3. To analyze their performance and evaluate.

  4. To develop better intonation skills.

  5. Questioning - appropriate to the content of what we are doing; getting them to take ownership of the process of all the above and more  - to become performance ready.

Intro/Warm-up 12:20 pm-12:35 pm

  1. Check Role & Announcements

  2. Vocal Warm-ups

  3. Scales

    1. Play C Major scale using solfege.

  4. Sing 

    1. selected warm up songs 

      1. Mono​phonic

      2. Cannon, rounds, 

      3. polyphonic

    2. Group Sing

    3. Make sure of parts and vocal range for each student

Body 12:35 pm – 1:15 pm

  1. Review performance music: 

    1. Work through until complete

    2. Work/Teach various vocal Parts

    3. Go to Beginning and check intonation, phrasing and balance

    4. Sing through piece

  2. Other Selections

    1. Work through piece paying attention to phrasing, dynamics, and intonation.

  3. Other Selections

    1. Clean-up  parts at beginning

    2. Clean-up inner voice parts at beginning

    3. Tune and Listen to melody parts

    4. Begin Middle Section with balance and intonation

    5. Sing through piece

Closure 1:15 pm  – 1:25 pm

  1. Look at and review Performance Music or other music to be sung

    1. Work on diction and phrasing.

    2. Clean-up Room and put up equipment


  1. Students will need pencils and music, I will need scores, and piano and sound re-inforcement system.

  2. Students will be setup in conert seating so students can listen to each other.

Relevant Connection

      1.   Perfomance here is a life long learning process which can challenge us to do and

            become better at what we do.

Intro to Music/Mus Apprec.


Questioning - appropriate to the content of what we are doing; getting them to take ownership of the process of all the above and more  - to become listener ready.


Intro/Warm-up 12:20 pm-12:30 pm

  1. Check Role & Announcements

  2. Listen to music of different styles and genres

  3. Ask Questions about the Music they’ve  heard


Body 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm

  1. Use power point to cover material relevant to the periods of music and history, discussing the four main elements of music – pitch, duration, tone color and duration

  2. Adding new forms we have learn to see the pattterns that are established within each selection of music they’ve listened too.

  3. Play additional music of various styles and genres and have them identify those elements and form learned.


Closure 1:15 pm  – 1:25 pm

  1. Look at and review what selections need special attention (if needed)

    1. Discuss those things we have learn or worked on throughout class.

    2. Clean-up Room and put up equipment


Questioning - appropriate to the content of what we are doing; getting them to take ownership of the process of all the above and more  - to become listener ready.


Intro/Warm-up 12:20 pm-12:30 pm

  1. Check Role & Announcements

  2. Listen to music of different styles and genres

  3. Ask Questions about the Music they’ve  heard


Body 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm

  1. Use power point to cover material relevant to the periods of music and history, discussing the four main elements of music – pitch, duration, tone color and duration

  2. Adding new forms we have learn to see the pattterns that are established within each selection of music they’ve listened too.

  3. Play additional music of various styles and genres and have them identify those elements and form learned.


Closure 1:15 pm  – 1:25 pm

  1. Look at and review what selections need special attention (if needed)

    1. Discuss those things we have learn or worked on throughout class.

    2. Clean-up Room and put up equipment


  1. Students will need pencil and paper for notes, I will need sound system for audio reproduction.

  2. Students will be setup in assigned seating tdue to covid response. 

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